Representation Matters

Welcome to the inaugural Utah’s 40 Women OVER 40. We are thrilled to recognize and celebrate key women who are 40 and older, making an impact in our community.

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Our Mission

Representation Matters. It matters in age, race, skill, experience, opinion and thought. We want to acknowledge and celebrate women in their 40s, 50s, 60s, & beyond! We want to be inspired by women taking chances, changing lives and making an impact later in life. We envision a growing community of women over 40, celebrated for their distinct accomplishments and success stories.

Our Why

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For starters…

[split_line_heading animation_type=”default”]

1 in 4 Americans is a WOMAN OVER 40

[split_line_heading animation_type=”default”]

*That’s 25% of the country

*That’s 83 million strong



Average age of a female entrepreneur.

Average age of a female CEO.



Women business owners between 40 and 59 years old.

Utah has one of the largest gender wage gaps in the nation: women earn 30% less than men.



Utah ranks 50th in the nation for women’s equality since 2017.

Our Why

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For starters…

[split_line_heading animation_type=”default”]

1 in 4 Americans is a WOMAN OVER 40

[/split_line_heading][split_line_heading animation_type=”default”]

*That’s 25% of the country

*That’s 83 million strong



Average age of a female entrepreneur.


Average age of a female CEO.


Women business owners between 40 and 59 years old.


Utah has one of the largest gender wage gaps in the nation: women earn 30% less than men.


Utah ranks 50th in the nation for women’s equality since 2017.

2022 Winners

LifeTime Achievement Honorees

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If you know a woman who is 40 and older, nominate her! If that’s you, nominate yourself! Click the link and fill out the nomination form. You or the woman you are nominating must be 40 or older as of 5/1/22.

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Meet The Founders

Robyn Cohen

Co-Founder, Utah's 40 Women OVER 40 | Founder W Collective

Diane Acevedo

Co-founder, Utah's 40 Women OVER 40 | SVP Operations & CX, Gabb Wireless

Julia Deaver

Co-founder, Utah's 40 Women OVER 40 | Co-founder, W Collective


Title Sponsors

Premier Sponsors

Partner Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors

Social Sponsors

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